Welcome to My Blog

Time to get serious!

1. I need to lose the last 30 pounds to get to my goal weight.

2. I need to grow as an Independent Close To My Heart Consultant.

3. I need to start writing - prolifically

You are cordially invited to join me as I share my successes and obstacles, my thoughts and feelings, and my love of card making, scrapbooking and other crafty things.

I welcome your opinions, advice and inspiration.

Come ON! Let's GO!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Naughty Christmas Elf

This year we have a Christmas Elf that has moved into our house. He is spreading his mischief all through the house and its directed at me. He is trying to sabotage my weight loss efforts and make me look like I'm the naughty one. Take a look!

We have caught him in the pantry with an open bag of Pretzel M&M's... everyone thought that I had opened them and was eating them..

Then we caught him on the surveillance camera in the leftover Halloween candy...with the milk duds and tootise pops...

Then just this morning the surveillance camera caught him playing "I'm Gettin Nuttin' for Christmas (cuz I ain't been nothin but bad) on the piano... and everyone thought I was playing it!!! Rude and naughty Christmas Elf...

Wonder what he will try to do next?

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