Welcome to My Blog

Time to get serious!

1. I need to lose the last 30 pounds to get to my goal weight.

2. I need to grow as an Independent Close To My Heart Consultant.

3. I need to start writing - prolifically

You are cordially invited to join me as I share my successes and obstacles, my thoughts and feelings, and my love of card making, scrapbooking and other crafty things.

I welcome your opinions, advice and inspiration.

Come ON! Let's GO!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sometimes It's Hard... Sometimes It's Easy

Uploading a video while I type this. Hopefully, it will upload OK. Had troubles getting it to upload on Facebook so maybe with blog spot I will have better luck. How long does it take a video to upload? This seems like it is taking forever.
Yea... looks like it might have worked... We shall see!

Anyways, the video is of my little Chihuahua boy - Journey. He has this nighttime ritual now of wanting to get up on the bed and trying to jump up. After a couple of tries he starts whining. He comes around my side of the bed, tries to jump and whines some more. Sometimes, I will tell him 1...2...3...BIG JUMP... and he makes it... Other times, when I can see he is getting frustrated, I will tell him to assume the position, which is to turn around, so I can scoop him up by his belly and put him on the bed... for which he is forever grateful and I get lots of dog kisses. However, when I have food or a doggie treat for him... he seems to have no trouble whatsoever jumping up on the bed. Then he very gracefully comes over the top of the bench at the bottom of my bed.

Life lesson learned from my dog.... in life... sometimes everything is going along great! We are able to jump up and get on with the daily routines, reaping the rewards and blessings of all that God has to offer. Then are times... when we try and try and try again... to jump up and we just can't make it. So we listen to the words of advice from our friends... Just Jump... Just Do IT.... but sometimes it seems like nobody is really listening or really truly cares. We run around trying to find a way to just get up to the top... but it is not until we stop, "assume the position" in a humble, attitude of prayer and graciously accept God's help, that we will finally feel God's hand around us... carrying us forward and upward in glorious victory.

Thanks Journey for that life lesson. You're right... once again, I need to stop worrying and stressing over the little and seemingly "mighty big problems" - finances, health, etc. and just let God pick me up.

Quote: "Grant that it may not be in the power of any to rob me of peace that results from a firm trust in Thee. Whenever crosses or troubles are met without, may all be well within." Susanna Wesley

"We want our strength in public to be explained by what goes on in private between us and God." Elizabeth George

Psalm 121:1-2 - I will lift up eyes to the hills - from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. I whole-heartedly agree. When things are easy though, we blow right through them, not appreciating the ease with which we handle them, not even noticing sometimes. When things are hard, but have we learned to comlain and belly-ache about them! And we all know what the Bible says about murmuring and complaining! (Numbers 14:26-32 and I'm sure there are other references to murmuring and complaining!)
