Welcome to My Blog

Time to get serious!

1. I need to lose the last 30 pounds to get to my goal weight.

2. I need to grow as an Independent Close To My Heart Consultant.

3. I need to start writing - prolifically

You are cordially invited to join me as I share my successes and obstacles, my thoughts and feelings, and my love of card making, scrapbooking and other crafty things.

I welcome your opinions, advice and inspiration.

Come ON! Let's GO!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Homeschool Reflections: On Patience

            Before I started homeschooling, back when the kids were little, when the oldest was going to public school and my middle child was attending special needs preschool, I would’ve laughed at anyone who told me that in just a few years I would be homeschooling all three kids. I would’ve laughed even harder if they had told me that I would continue homeschooling until the youngest graduated from high school. Me? Homeschool? Riiiigggght….. I have no patience.

            Today, I hear from mothers who have professed an interest or desire in home educating their own children but end with the same reason I did. I have no patience. Well, this blog is to help debunk that excuse. Patience doesn’t happen overnight. Just as a child goes through stages of development so too patience develops as we go through life’s stages. As parents of young infants we walked the floor with them when they could not stop crying, we changed diapers over and over again, we waited until they were done eating. At times…we might have felt frustrated but we were patient because the situation at the time called for it. We were probably not even aware that we were being patient.

Patiently, we have helped potty train our children, taught them to recite their ABC’s, learn to spell their names and tie their shoes. We have waited (and waited) at myriads of doctor appointments to get our child a round of antibiotics or to get their next immunization. We have nursed skinned knees and have waited through many tantrums. We have waited in traffic, helped our children with homework and have sat through many teacher/conferences, PTA meetings, and school programs. Everyone, who reads this, can add to this list according to their situations. Clearly, the key is that patience is always at work. Patience is a character trait that requires everyone to exercise it.

Homeschooling is not sitting around the kitchen table or establishing a “school” room in your house and becoming a rigid task master. Homeschooling is a way of life and a very viable form of education and Mom or Dad, if you feel like you should homeschool do not be deterred by thinking that you have no patience because you are already practicing it and it takes practice to become “perfected”


By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope… Romans 5:2-4

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Hebrews 12:1-3

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Creativity Strikes Again!

Ah... a lazy day today but the creativity was flowing in my scrapbook room. I love having a creative day... even though nothing productive was done such as the never ending, multiplying pile of laundry and the sink full of dishes... I did get a couple of cards made.

This first card was a card I had started many months ago and today I finished it by adding the circles, butterflies and the I Like You sentiment.

This card was made with my new Stampin Up Open Seas set. I was inspired by my Dad and his love for sailboats.

So... want to make a card? Let me know and I can have a workshop for you and show you how...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mountain Climbing and Valley Victory

       What possessed me to drive over Wolf Creek Pass (near Pagosa Springs, CO) towards the end of November to get to California, I will never know. The weather was beautiful in the valley. The sun was shining and the last time I had gone through Wolf Creek Pass was during the summer and it was beautiful. (If I could I would retire to Pagosa Springs). By the time we got to Wolf Creek Pass, the sun was still shining, the little rental car was driving great, but the mountain pass was snow packed, icy and very slippery. I slowed my speed and made it up the mountain. The problem came on the downgrade. I started going way too fast!!! And "gasp" there was a slow car in front of me and a steep drop off on the left hand side of the road. I started to brake and felt the car slipping. I knew (somehow) that if I tried to pass to the left of the slower vehicle, I would probably go off the "deep end" (Not that I already wasn't). I also somehow knew that I needed to SLOW DOWN. I prayed a quick prayer and knocked the gears down to a lower gear, steered the car to the right, went off the road a little and hit the mountain wall. Slowed me down enough that I finally made it to the valley. Never was I more grateful to see the valley.

Victory comes not just from making it to the top of a mountain. Victory comes from making it back down to the valley. The climb up the mountain took a lot of energy, but the victory hasn't been won yet. Take your time going down the mountain, don't speed, downshift as necessary and enjoy the scenery. The valley is waiting just ahead, the sun will be shining, visibility has returned...see the fruits of your labor. Victory at last!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Starting Again

One of my favorite magnets on my fridge says... Never enough time to do it right but always enough time to do it over...

So I am starting this blog...again. I didn't realize until a few days ago that I have two blogs going. I have 40 followers on this one and 8 on the other one. So in order not to disappoint the majority I am going to start using this blog and try to bring some of older blogs over to this blog. (Gotta love copy and paste).

My apologies to the 40 followers for not realizing this error until now.

Life has been busy though, which is as good excuse as I can give. I have finished my student teaching and my Masters Degree in Special Education. (What an accomplishment). I can now sign my name with M. ED. behind it. (whoo-hoo). Trying to get applications filled out now for teaching jobs and teacher licenses is not an easy task. Whew! Very time consuming. I am also thinking of putting my shingle out to be a consultant for homeschool moms who deal with students with special needs. I was a homeschool mom for 15 + years with two students who had special needs. One student was diagnosed with ADD and one student was recently diagnosed with Autistic Disorder. If I knew back then what I know now... what a difference that would've made.

My daughter is staying with me for the time being. Her four dogs and my four dogs, plus the four puppies that we could not find a home for = twelve dogs! Yea! I am in trouble. Have to go to court on June 7th and show proof of license registration and inoculations for my four dogs. Sigh.... My number one pet peeve... (get it) has got to be nosy, busybody neighbors.

Two of the Puppies: Lucy and Cricket the Rocket Dog (Still need a good family to go live with)

My dear father passed away March 27th. I have been busy trying to scrapbook old pictures from his high school years and early married life. I am looking for "vintage" and or other ideas from those of you who have scrapbooked your parent's pictures. I am finding it to be very therapeutic.

And last but not least.... I am now a Stampin Up Demonstrator! Check out my Stampin Up blog too!


Onward then!